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In the paper,a set of algorithms to construct synthetic aperture radar(SAR)matching suitable features are frstly proposed based on the evolutionary synthesis strategy.During the process,on the one hand,the indexes of primary matching suitable features(PMSFs)are designed based on the characteristics of image texture,SAR imaging and SAR matching algorithm,which is a process involving expertise;on the other hand,by designing a synthesized operation expression tree based on PMSFs,a much more flexible expression form of synthesized features is built,which greatly expands the construction space.Then,the genetic algorithm-based optimized searching process is employed to search the synthesized matching suitable feature(SMSF)with the highest effciency,largely improving the optimized searching effciency.In addition,the experimental results of the airborne synthetic aperture radar ortho-images of C-band and P-band show that the SMSFs gained via the algorithms can reflect the matching suitability of SAR images accurately and the matching probabilities of selected matching suitable areas of ortho-images could reach 99±0.5%.  相似文献   
Flight technical error (FTE) combined with navigation system error (NSE) is the main part of total system error (TSE) in performance based navigation (PBN).The implementation of PBN requires pre-flight prediction and en-route short-term dynamical prediction of the TSE.Once the sum of predicted lateral FTE and NSE is greater than the specified PBN value,the PBN cannot operate.Thus,accurate modeling and thorough analysis of lateral FTE are indispensible.Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) lateral track control system of a transport aircraft is designed using linear quadratic Gaussian and loop transfer recovery (LQG/LTR) method,and the lateral FTE of a turbulence disturbed approach operation is analyzed.The error estimation mapping function of latera FTE and its bound estimation algorithm are proposed based on singular value theory.According to the forming mechanism of lateral FTE,the algorithm considers environmental turbulence fluctuation disturbance,aircraft dynamics and control system parameters.Real-data-based Monte-Carlo simulation validates the theoretical analysis of FTE.It also shows that FTE is mainly caused by turbulence fluctuation disturbance when automatic flight control system (AFCS) is engaged and would increase with escalating environmental turbulence intensity.  相似文献   
The navigation problem of the lifting reentry vehicles has attracted much research interest in the past decade.This paper researches the navigation in the blackout zone during the reentry phase of the aircraft,when the communication signals are attenuated and even interrupted by the blackout zone.However,when calculating altitude,a pure classic inertial navigation algorithm appears imprecise and divergent.In order to obtain a more precise aircraft altitude,this paper applies an integrated navigation method based on inertial navigation algorithms,which uses drag derived altitude to aid the inertial navigation during the blackout zone.This method can overcome the shortcomings of the inertial navigation system and improve the navigation accuracy.To further improve the navigation accuracy,the applicable condition and the main error factors,such as the atmospheric coefficient error and drag coefficient error are analyzed in detail.Then the damping circuit design of the navigation control system and the damping coefficients determination is introduced.The feasibility of the method is verified by the typical reentry trajectory simulation,and the influence of the iterative times on the accuracy is analyzed.Simulation results show that iterative three times achieves the best effect.  相似文献   
为提高方位俯仰型船载天线伺服系统的船摇隔离度,稳定环是常采用的策略,但是选择传统的PID(Proportional Integral Derivative,比例积分微分)调节器往往不能获得满意的控制效果,针对该问题,提出了PID+积分+滞后校正环节作为稳定环调节器的具体实现形式。另外,通过对伺服系统内各环路带宽及响应速度的分析,将稳定环阶跃响应的上升时间作为参数调节依据。上述设计完成后,在实际系统中添加周期10s,幅值8°的正弦波信号模拟船摇扰动,此时添加稳定环后,方位轴的船摇隔离度提高了6dB,俯仰轴的船摇隔离度提高了13dB。这表明,采用PID+积分+滞后校正环节作为稳定环调节器的设计形式是正确且简单有效的。  相似文献   
仿生导航是在仿生技术基础上发展起来的新型导航技术方法,该方法融合了仿生技术的优点,因其抗干扰性强、适应范围广的特点,迎来了研究的热潮。从仿生光流导航、仿生偏振光导航、仿生类脑导航和仿生地磁导航四个角度对近年来大量的相关文献进行了综合性地整理和分析,阐述了其导航原理、发展现状和动态,对其未来的发展前景进行了展望,指出了限制现有技术的难点和瓶颈,对未来仿生导航技术的发展提供了参考,有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
针对光学导航中存在的通过星体(球体)图像部分边缘点拟合椭圆参数计算轨道参数产生中间误差的问题,提出利用边缘点映射轨道参数的直接投影模型,避免拟合椭圆参数的方法。在小孔成像模型基础上,建立了边缘点与轨道参数的直接投影数学模型,对其映射过程进行了理论推导,利用列文伯格-马夸尔特迭代算法进行求解轨道参数。用实际探测器以及镜头参数进行数值仿真验证,结果表明:该方法在相同边缘点的条件下,轨道精度可以达到5‰。与传统方法相比,这种方法避免了椭圆的拟合过程,减少了引入中间误差过程。  相似文献   
当前我国高精度惯性导航系统研制已取得长足进展,但惯性导航系统的精度、可靠性和寿命等应用性能距离世界先进水平仍有差距,主要问题在于全寿命周期内的海量测试数据没有被充分挖掘、分析和应用,严重制约了惯性导航系统精度的提升、可靠性分析和寿命预估的准确性。因此,系统、准确、高效、合理地处理设计、生产、测试和使用过程中的海量数据是分析解决高精度惯性导航系统存在问题、提高生产效率、提升产品质量的有效途径。首先,详细分析了惯性导航测试系统数据采集和数据管理中存在的问题,提出大数据管理分析系统的需求和目标;其次,结合数据管理和分析中的关键技术,构建了惯性导航测试系统以数据采集层、数据支撑层和数据应用层为3大模块的大数据分析平台基本框架。为高精度惯性导航系统优化设计、提升精度、保障产品可靠性、合理预估系统寿命及适应未来战争提供了发展思路。  相似文献   
针对利用OFDM信号进行定位时信号非连续性问题,提出一种粗检测和精细检测结合的测距方法,将距离测量转换为不同尺度的时延样点,采用时域粗检测快速估算接收OFDM信号的最大相关峰值,然后对传输时延进行频域精细测量,提升了小数倍采样周期时延测量的精度。在此基础上,分析了OFDM信号的定位性能,仿真结果表明,当OFDM信号在信噪比-11dB的情况下测距误差由3m左右(子载波数512)降至1m(子载波数4096)。  相似文献   
高精度惯性导航系统是保证水下或水面运载体长时间安全航行及搭载的仪器设备正常工作的关键技术之一,姿态阵解算是其核心问题。通过分解姿态阵以及分别采用Euler角和四元数描述姿态参数,建立解算姿态阵的四种方法;分别对这四种方法中的姿态模型进行扰动,并研究相应线性化误差模型的精度及其影响因素;利用数值仿真法对四种姿态解算方法的结果及对应的线性化误差模型的精度进行了比较分析,结果表明:姿态阵解算分解法显著差别于整体法,采用Euler角或四元数描述姿态参数对姿态阵解算精度的影响不显著,分解法对应的线性化误差模型的精度优于整体法。  相似文献   
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